Dietician and Nuvita Coach Angie explains how Nuvita's Live Younger programs help all types of people reach their personal wellness goals.
Living younger
The first step in Living Younger (tm) is understanding your starting point. Nuvita takes biometric information such as blood pressure and other critical health factors and combines this with physical fitness information such as your cardiovascular fitness to give you a Nuvita Age as a representation of your overall health and wellness. As motivation, you are also given a target age that is attainable if you follow your plan. Your Nuvita Age becomes a safe, fun and effective way to track your progress.
Clinical Biometrics
Height, weight, body mass index
Blood pressure
Blood lipid profile
Nuvita Additional Key Measurements
Body composition and body fat
Metabolic rate
Cardiovascualr fitness - Max VO2
Stress levels
Linda D.
with nuvita Linda is living 9 years younger
Actual Starting Current
Age Nuvita Age Nuvita Age
57 59 48
highly personalized programs = results
Nuvita takes the measurements from your nuvita age along with your goals and preferences and creates an extremely customized program that will guide you to living younger.
Nuvita Nutrition
Real food strategy (not a diet)
Personal to your health and goals
Robust meal planning and recipes
Direct feedback on your choices
Nuvita Cardio
Based upon your maxVO2
Personal heart rate based
Beginner to advanced
Track progress with NuvitaCardio
Nuvita Mobility
Core strength and flexibility
Injury prevention
Weekly progressive plan
Interval counter and videos
Nuvita Health Coaching Education
Personal - interests and health
Weekly content
Video workshops
Easy to complete on web or phone
nuvita technology tracks and motivates
Combining best in class health science with proprietary technology to deliver the digital health tools to make fit fun and effective.
Giving employees the power to measure and monitor their progress is extremely motivating and enables the Nuvita system and coaches to adjust and further customize their personal wellness plans to drive better outcomes.
Measure and track health and fitness anytime
Body weight/BMI
Circumference and bodyfat
Cardiovascular fitness - MaxV02
Nuvita personal home profile
NuvitaCardio - the best fitness tracker
Track much more than steps or activity. Personal, heart rate based programs are the most effective way to improve your cardiovascular fitness, lose weight and improve your overall health. NuvitaCardio tracks your heart rate in addition to your activity ensuring safe and effective exercise.
Measure your complete exercise session (heart rate, time, distance, in zone) with your smart phone and Nuvita cardio monitor
Track your progress relative to your personal program
Measure your fitness (VO2) anytime and your program will automatically update based upon your new fitness level
Provides real-time engagement data to personal health team
Web and mobile apps
Your personal web portal and mobile apps are the hub for your Nuvita nutrition, cardio, mobility and education programs.
Track your progress vs your personal goals and program
Communicate with your coaching team
Social and fun interaction with your team and friends
Vast resources on many wellness topics including nutrition, exercise, stress, etc.
committed to your success
Cindy, Dietician
James, Exercise Physiologist
Terri, Wellness Coordinator
Much more than simple health coaching. With Nuvita, participants are assigned a Personal Health Team dedicated to providing the support and motivation to ensure success.
Develops your personal program based upon your goals, motivations and preferences
Monitors your progress (real time) – provide, support, motivation and guidance
Personal weekly action plan and education
Available by video appointment, email or chat
fun, fresh and engaging
Continuous new programs
4 quarterly programs
New programs each year
Be part of a team
Encourage and support each other
Collaborative and slightly competitive
Invite family members to participate
Social and gamification elements
Share recipes, workouts, success, inspiration
Earn rewards, recognitions and incentives
Nuvita's annual employee wellness solutions includes multiple programs throughout the year to keep it fun, fresh and engaging.